SAPS is Hiring Constable, Sergeant and Warrant officer 2022/2023

The South African Police Service (SAPS) is advertising vacancies for the re-enlistment of former members who were on the rank of Constable, Sergeant and Warrant officer.

Commencing salary:
Constable: R189 279 per annum
Sergeant: R239 505 per annum
Warrant Officer: R300 345 per annum

Successful candidates will mainly be deployed in the operational environment at station level and specialised environments as well as within the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) and the Division: Human Resource Development and will as far as possible be reenlisted in the ranks they previously held in the Service (but not above the rank of Warrant Officer), irrespective of the rank they held when leaving the SAPS.

Former members must:

  • Be in possession of at least a Grade 12 (Senior Certificate) or higher qualification.
  • Have at least a valid light motor vehicle license (code B).
  • Be a South African citizen of which documentary proof must be furnished.
  • Be proficient in at least two of the official languages, of which one must be English.
  • Submit himself or herself to a medical examination as determined by the National Commissioner.
  • Undergo a psychological assessment as determined by the National Commissioner and be found to comply with the profile of a police official.
  • Not have any tattoo marks of which will be visible when wearing a uniform and not be irreconcilable with the objectives of the Service.
  • Have no previous criminal convictions, and/or pending criminal, disciplinary cases and such person shall allow his or her fingerprints to be taken and allow background enquiries to be made.
  • Not have been declared unfit to possess a firearm.
  • Be prepared to be deployed based on the needs of the Service which may include having to relocate at one’s own expense and or to accept a post away from one’s current place of residence that could result in reasonable travelling.
  • Not be involved in any business or activity that will be in conflict of interest with the integrity of the Service.
  • Be willing to undergo a refresher course or any other training as determined by the National Commissioner.

Applications of former members who have left the Service under any of the following circumstances will NOT be considered for re-enlistment:

  • Members who have reached retirement age (early retirement or compulsory retirement age).
  • Members who have been dishonourably discharged or dismissed.
  • Members who have left the Service pending the completion of a disciplinary enquiry and/or criminal proceedings.
  • Members who have left the Service due to severance package, ill health or retirement as a result of a medical boarding.
  • Members who left the Service more than 10 years ago.

Focus areas for capacitation:

The focus of the re-enlistment process will be on the capacitation of the following prioritized environments in all Provinces and Operational Divisions as well as the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation:

  • Newly established units:
    – Anti-Gang Unit.
    – Taxi Violence Unit.
    – Cold Case Investigation.
    – Murder and Robbery.
  • Public Order Policing (POP).
  • Tactical Response Teams (TRT).
  •  K9.
  • Mounted Unit.
  • Family, Child & Sexual Offences Unit (FCS).
  • Stock Theft Units.
  • Vehicle Crime Investigation Unit (VCIU).
  • Anti-Corruption Unit.
  • High Crime Weight Stations.
  • Human Resource Development (HRD).

Copies of an applicant’s ID, Senior Certificate and all educational qualifications obtained, service certificate of previous employers stating the occupation, proof of relevant experience in the field of the posts and motor vehicle driver’s license must be attached to the application. Midst the COVID-19 Pandemic and lockdown restrictions, documents attached to the application do not need to be certified at this point in time.

Qualifications and drivers’ licenses submitted will be subjected to verification checking with the relevant institutions. The South African Police Service will verify the residential address of the applicants and conduct reference checks.

Apply Online for the SAPS is Hiring Constable, Sergeant and Warrant officer 2022/2023

Application Form

The closing date for applications is 28 March 2022. Late applications will not be considered.

You may also apply:

  1. SAPS is recruiting 12 000 youth, 7000 by the end of the year and 5000 to undergo training next year.
  2. Prison Warder Learnerships 2022-2023
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