Prison Warder Learnerships 2022-2023

Prison warders, also known as correctional service officers, primarily work in South African prisons and jails. Their primary job responsibilities include guarding, supervising, and managing inmates. Inmates will also be arranged, secured, and provided with facilities by prison warders. They ensure that everyone is treated fairly, that everyone has access to education, and that everything is done in accordance with prison regulations. Every year, the DCS offers South Africans Prison Warder Learnerships 2022-2023.

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Prison wardens are also in charge of supervising all work, educational, and recreational activities for inmates. They monitor all situations and respond appropriately to ensure everyone’s safety. They are also responsible for providing procedures and support in any crisis situation including natural disasters, emergencies and riots. They also monitor staff performance, keep records, and perform other office duties.

Learnerships for Prison Warders are available.

This field’s learnerships include both practical and theoretical training. Unless otherwise specified, they usually last for a year. Selected candidates typically receive a monthly stipend as well as a uniform, all training materials, accommodation, and meals as part of their learnership package. Nonetheless, when candidates attend their practical training, they must provide their own meals, lodging, and transportation.

The Career Field to Apply:

  • Prison Warder

Companies that provide prison warder learnerships

Department Of Correctional Services (DCS)

Requirements for Prison Warder Learnerships

Every candidate applying for a learnership in this field must meet all of the company’s requirements. We have compiled a list of the basic requirements, which you can see below. Some companies may have additional requirements that applicants must meet in order to be considered.

The following are the basic requirements:

  • South African citizens are required to apply.
  • You must have a valid identification book, document, or card proving your citizenship.
  • You must be over the age of 21 and under the age of 35.
  • Applicants must have a Grade 12 certificate.
  • You must have no criminal history.
  • Candidates must be fluent in the English language.

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted and may be asked to participate in an interview or psychometric testing. Applicants must be willing to submit to a background check and fingerprinting.

How To Apply for Prison Warder Learnerships


Must be sent to the correct address, which is listed at the bottom of each position, in order to arrive on or before the closing date. Applications sent to the incorrect address and/or received after the closing date, as well as those that do not meet the requirements, will not be considered. Applicants who hand-deliver their applications must sign an application register as proof of application.


Applications must be submitted on the Application for Employment Form (Z.83), which is available from any Public Service department or online at, and must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV, including the names and contact information for at least two contactable referees (who should be people who have recently worked with the applicant), as well as certified copies of qualifications and identity documents (with an original certification stamp). It is the responsibility of applicants in possession of foreign qualifications to submit evaluated results by the South African Qualifications Authority. Applicants must attach certified copies of their driver’s licenses where a valid driver’s license is required. Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted.

Also CheckMetro Police And Traffic Learnership For 2022 (R59 825 Per Annum)


Head Office: Department Of Correctional Services

Postal Address:

Private Bag X136


Poyntons Building (West Block)
124 WF Nkomo Street (Cnr WF Nkomo & Sophie De Bruyn Streets)

Tel: 012 307 2998 / 9

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