Careers At ZZ2
ZZ2 is an integrated agricultural company that offers careers through the full value chain supported by a Human Resources Department (HR) that serves the ZZ2 Group of companies. HR functions include personnel administration, recruitment, training, performance management, labour relations, skills development and compliance management.
ZZ2 employs people who have the capacity to manage and implement the ZZ2 farming protocols that have developed through experience, research and technological development. Knowledge and experience of planting, irrigation, plant protection and harvesting are typical of people employed in this phase of the value chain. Careers include farmers, project managers and specialists from fields of study such as:
- Agricultural economics.
- Botany.
- Plant pathology.
- Horticulture.
- Soil science.
- Entomology.
- Animal husbandry.
- Agricultural engineering.
- Agronomy.
- Geographical information systems.
ZZ2 adds value to their products by packing for customers and the various markets that are serviced. During this phase of the value chain, ZZ2 employs packhouse management teams.
Employees involved are the following professionals and/or from these fields of expertise:
- Mechanical engineering.
- Industrial engineering.
- Logistics.
- Management.
- Administration.
- Millwright.
- Technician.
- Electrician.
- Construction and maintenance.
- Food accreditation scientists.
To achieve the optimum value for the customer, the distribution of our produce to the correct markets countrywide and internationally, require an integrated effort from a group of specialists and fields of expertise, such as:
- Distribution.
- Transport.
- Accounting.
- Logistics.
- Information technology (IT).
- Marketing.
- Public relations.
- Graphic design.
- Event planning.
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